0750: Call to Order / Opening Remarks – Spencer Johnson ’63, Vice Chairman of the COCP

Administrative Opening Remarks:

Recognize New Class Presidents: 1950, 1964, 1969, 1984

Recognize Active-Duty Members

Approve Minutes

Committee Structure

8:15AM – 8:55AM: Breakout for Decades Reps

9:00AM – 10:40AM: Alumni Association Panel

Byron Marchant (Chief Executive Officer) discussion:


Bill O’Connor from Alumni Association:

Kristen Pironis from Alumni Association:


Hank Sanford from Alumni Association:

Jamie Wolff discussion:

Director Engagement:

10:40AM – 11:00AM: Break

11:00AM – 11:30AM: Athletic Association

11:30AM – 12:00PM: Commandant of Midshipmen

12:00PM – 1:15PM: Lunch

1:15 – 2:00PM: Global Economies w/ Adrian Day

Adrian Day is London born and a graduate of the London School of Economics and is the President of Adrian Day Asset Management, based in Annapolis, MD. He is widely acknowledged as a pioneer and leader in global investing and in natural resources around the world, and, of course, the impact of global economies. He has authored two highly praised books, one on international investing opportunities and the other investing in resources. He is affiliated with, among others, the Offshore Institute and International Tax Planning Association in London.

2:00 – 2:45PM: Decade and Committee Reports

Executive Committee, Bill Peerenboom ‘57

Planning Committee, Bill Peerenboom ‘57

Membership and Alumni Services, LCDR John Callahan ‘ 73

1930s, 40s, 50s: CAPT Bill Peerenborn ‘57

1960s, CAPT Spencer Johnson ‘60

1970s, CAPT Glen Woods ’78 / Presented by CAPT Martini

1980s, Ingar Grev ’89 (standing in for Tim Kobosko ’80)

1990s: Major Murph Mcarthy ’00, reported for 90s, 00s, 10s

2:45 – 3:00PM: New Business and CPAG Briefing

3:00 – 3:30PM: Adjourn

3:30 – 4:00PM: CPAG w/ Josh Welle ‘02

Addendum #1: Council of Class Presidents Meeting Read Ahead

This memorandum is to alert class presidents with regard to subjects to be broached at the COCP meeting to be held in the Akerson Tower at the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium on 27 April 2015.

VADN Nustin has submitted his resignation as Chairman of the Council of Class Presidents for reasons of health effective on 27 April. Adm. Mustin underwent cardiac surgery on Monday the 13th to repair two leaking heart valves. The high risk for this type of surgery was mitigated by new methods of robotic surgery which is far less invasive than open heart surgery. Adm. Mustin reports himself to have come through with flying colors and is in a recovery / rehab phase following the surgery. Conditions permitting, he hopes to attend the spring meeting, at least for the morning session. is simultaneously relinquishing his position as the 30’s-40 s and 50’s decade representative and his seat on the Naval Academy Alumni Association’s Board of Trustees. Adm. Mustin will continue as the president of the class of 1955 and as a member of the COCP

ADM Mustin's resignation will require some adjustments in our COCP leadership. Our Charter states (art. 2, 4.2) that if the Chairman is “absent or disabled, the Vice Chair will perform the duties of that office.” I am prepared to assume the duties of Chairman for the remainder of Adm. Mustin’s tenure until the spring of 2017 when new elections are scheduled. I will only do that with the affirmation of the COCP and will so ask for a vote at the end of the meeting. If not affirmed by a majority vote, new elections for Chairman will be held at the fall meeting.

If I am affirmed as COCP Chairman for the remainder of ADM Mustin's term of office, which is coincident with my term as decade rep for the decade of the 60s, we will need to elect a new Vice Chairman at the end of the meeting or as soon thereafter as possible.

The decade of the 30's, 40's and 50's, under the leadership of the senior class president present, will need to elect a new decade representative to replace Adm. Mustin for the remainder of his term (Spring 2017) or for a regular three year term during their breakout session.

The recently released Navy Flag promotion list includes the name of the Commandant of Midshipmen, Capt. Bill Byrne for promotion to the rank Of RADM (LH). Our heartiest congratulations to RDML (Sel) Byrne. His successor as Commandant has been previously announced as Colonel Stephen E. Liszewski, USMC, a USNA Class of 1990 graduate with a distinguished combat record and proven leadership skills. In addition to resigning from his position as Chairman of the COCP, Adm. Mustin I know we all wish him the speediest of recoveries and a rapid return battery.

Updated: October 02, 2018
Curator: Ed Moore